OWGS – Summer Meeting & Notice of AGM – Friday 6th July


George Close-Brooks currently has 33 signed up for the Summer meeting at the Berkshire next Friday 6th July. If you would like to play then please let him know asap. gclosebrooks@icloud.com

Format is 18 or 36 holes. Play your own ball or play foursomes, choose your partners or be matched upÉ lunchÉ etc

As part of the Summer meeting we will be holding a brief, yet long overdue AGM. Given some are playing part or full days we intend to do this over lunch when we should be at max attendance.

This should be a brief interruption to the day’s proceedings.

The agenda for the AGM is as follows:

Year End accounts (can be downloaded here)ÊOW Accounts 2017_AGM
Membership and subscriptions
Election of Officers
None required this year. As a reminder, the current Officers are:
President : Tim Rowan-Robinson
Captain : Andrew Tusa
Treasurer : James Whitttington
Secretary : Nick Holt
We have various ex officio members who make up the OWGS Committee including George Close-Brooks and Tristan Hanson
CaptainÕs report
Golf in the school
General Health of the Society
New Matches
Halford Hewitt
Please inform Nick Holt if you would like to raise anything

Many thanks, Nick